Santorum: Global warming is politics, not science


The Associated Press reports:

Rick Santorum says President Barack Obama is pushing a radical environmental agenda that unwisely limits energy production and turns its back on science.

Santorum told voters in eastern Ohio on Monday that science is on the side of those who want to aggressively produce more oil and natural gas in America. He said the notion of global warming is not climate science but “political science.”

Santorum said Obama and his allies want to frighten people about new oil-exploration technologies so they can get your dollars and turn it over to politicians to win elections “so they can control your lives”…

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4 thoughts on “Santorum: Global warming is politics, not science”

  1. It’s difficult to buy into the AGW hypothesis if you are not a zero growth/anti-human/close minded/ elitist looking to impose socialism on everyone, (except yourself and the rest of the leftist glitteratti) when you consider that the oceans are only rising .4mm per year, the actual temp shows no warming since the 90’s, Antarctica is adding millions of ton of ice, the Polar bears are at their highest population level in a century, the upper atmosphere stubbornly refuses to warm up along with the upper and lower levels of the oceans,the only thing the climate models are successfully proving is that they cannot predict tomorrows weather never mind climate trends. The warmist scientists have boxed themselves into such a corner by allowing their scholarship to be used to promote a political ideology that has a history of failure that rivals any in human civilization. They cannot recant, given the arrogant elitism they professed while pushing this crooked carnival scam of voodoo science. The ancient Japanese at least had a method dealing with failed honor and fallen reputation.

  2. The AGW agenda will not go away any time soon. The Globalists, and their governing agency, the U.N. will push this along with Agenda 21 to depopulate the world (by famine and war) while taking tyrannical control of our planet regardless of where the climate science goes.

    Communism was the fastest way to seize power. The Green movement is now the preferred method. Santorum speaks true words. Total control of our lives is the elixir the demented control freaks want. I still remember GHW Bush addressing a joint session of Congress in ’90 or ’91. “A new world order”. “One world government”. “We will be successful”. Video and transcript available on the net. Hang on folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

  3. Perhaps it’s time to pause and ask what the LA Times would think? They might have enough energy left to jump another Nazi shark today.

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