Santorum gets standing ovation for calling global warming ‘a farce’

Mitt Romney ought to try such a crowd pleaser.

The Boise Weekly reports:

… Santorum was met by polite applause for his opening 10 minutes as he talked about a U.S. threat from Iran, saying, “It’s the most dangerous regime in the world.” But the crowd erupted into standing ovations when he began serving up conservative red meat on left-leaning Supreme Court Justices, global warming and expansion of the federal government.

“This election is the most important election of your life,” Santorum told the rally, equally represented by all age groups. “This is your chance to stand up and say, ‘We shall be free.'”

Right on cue, the crowd lept to its feet.

Other standing ovation moments followed when Santorum quoted the Declaration of Independence, promised to gut the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and called climate change a farce…

Read the entire report.

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