Report: Global warming interferes with polar ‘adventurer’

Alas, our plan to be the first to Segway from Washington DC to the North Pole has also been placed on hold.

The Coventry Observer (UK) reports:

MARK Wood is itching to get back out on the ice and continue is epic journey to become the first person to ski solo so the South Pole and North Pole back-to-back.

The Coventry-born explorer completed the first part of his expedition last month when he reached the North Pole after covering over 600 nautical miles in precisely 50 days.

But the second phase of his journey has been delayed due to uncertainty of the ice in the North Pole caused by a rise in global temperature which as forced him to re-consider his original plan to ski from Cape Discovery to the North Pole.

So now the 45-year-old has reversed his journey in a bit not to be beaten by the powers that be and he remains confident of completing his expedition which looks set to commence mid-March.

“It’s been turmoil really the last few weeks because the game plan has changed and it could change even more because I’m still not out there on ice,” Mark told the Observer…

Read the entire report.

2 thoughts on “Report: Global warming interferes with polar ‘adventurer’”

  1. “The areas I will be operating in will be so remote that bears probably will have not seen humans before so they’re just really inquisitive.”

    Or hungry.

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