Rep. Harris Questions Junk Science Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing

Gasland Creep Josh Fox didn’t deter Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md) from making his points against the EPA at today’s fracking hearing.

Below is Rep. Harris’ media release.

Click for Rep. Harris’ opening statement.


For Immediate Release:
February 1, 2012

Rep. Harris Questions Junk Science Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Andy Harris held a subcommittee hearing to review the EPA’s approach to ground water research in Pavillion, Wyoming. Witnesses highlighted a number of concerns with EPA’s December 8, 2011 draft findings, including the failure of the Agency to adequately consult with state and federal experts, the release of conclusions prior to adequate peer review, lack of adherence to information quality guidelines, a lack of data transparency, and sampling and monitoring well issues that call into question many of the results.

“This hearing exposes how the EPA is willing to use junk science to promote unnecessary fear about the safety of hydraulic fracturing in an attempt to carry out the President’s climate change agenda,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “The testimony was clear that this study is not applicable to Marcellus Shale, so hopefully Governor O’Malley won’t use this flawed study as an excuse to advance his own climate change agenda.”

As with all Committee hearings, the hearing was webcast live in its entirety at, and an archived version of the webcast will be publicly available on the website.

2 thoughts on “Rep. Harris Questions Junk Science Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing”

  1. They think they are saving the world. Junk Science is all they need. Its just a formality. They won’t let facts or reason get in the way. That’s why they have to go.

  2. So why doesn’t Rep Harris take action to kill the EPA rules since they are based on junk science? Send the idiots at EPA back to the drawing boards to come up with sound research on which sound decisions can be made.

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