Ransom: ‘If Al Gore Had a Change of Heart; It’s that Big’

“While books by climate heretics usually receive little attention,” writes Spiegel Online, “it could be different in Vahrenholt’s case… Heretics? And they wonder why we call climate change a religion.

John Ranson writes at Townhall Finance:

Germany’s envirowhackos have gone incendiary, as a former apostle of the climate change religion, Fritz Vahrenholt, has coauthored a new, best-selling book that casts doubts on the shoddy science of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The mean greenies in Germany are so hot at Vahrenholt that they probably ought to charge themselves a carbon tax, or buy on offsetting credit, or just kick back and relax with a cold drink on a furry polar bear rug in front of a big log fire…

Read the entire commentary.

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