“Despite our repeated overtures for cooperation, the White House continues to stall, refusing to turn over documents and blocking key staff from speaking to our investigators.” Continue reading House to White House: Time to Quit Stonewalling on Solyndra
Month: February 2012
Video: Southern Co. CEO Discusses Historic Approval of License to Build Two New Nukes
Southern takes a victory lap. Continue reading Video: Southern Co. CEO Discusses Historic Approval of License to Build Two New Nukes
Mann or Myth: Part 3
Mann: ClimateGate “began with a crime committed by highly skilled computer hackers, followed by a massive public relations campaign.” Continue reading Mann or Myth: Part 3
Daryl Hannah, new executive producer on ‘Greedy Lying Bastards’
Hannah will also appear at the Wall Street Journal‘s annual ECO:nomics conference — sounds constructive. Continue reading Daryl Hannah, new executive producer on ‘Greedy Lying Bastards’
Global Warming Hysteria: Another Dire Prediction Bites the Dust
“Oh, this isn’t good. Those Himalayan glaciers that were supposed to have disappeared by 2035 according to the IPCC (since retracted as nonsense), haven’t even shrunk in ten years.” Continue reading Global Warming Hysteria: Another Dire Prediction Bites the Dust
Delingpole: Germany’s ‘Godfather of Green’ Turns Skeptic
“If Al Gore or David Suzuki or NASA’s Jim Hansen were suddenly to renounce man-made global warming, it could hardly be more surprising.” Continue reading Delingpole: Germany’s ‘Godfather of Green’ Turns Skeptic
Spinney: Climate Science Goes Megalomaniacal
“Why Geo-Engineering Is Like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.” Continue reading Spinney: Climate Science Goes Megalomaniacal
Ian Clark: ‘The environmental movement has lost its way’
“In an emailed interview with Financial Post, Prof. Clark explains why the environmentalists “have lost their way” and why NASA scientist James Hansen and former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore are plain wrong.” Continue reading Ian Clark: ‘The environmental movement has lost its way’
NRC approves first new nuclear plant in a generation
Obama’s NRC chairman was the lone dissented. Continue reading NRC approves first new nuclear plant in a generation
Report: Santorum slams ‘reign of environmental terror’
We [heart] Rick Santorum. Continue reading Report: Santorum slams ‘reign of environmental terror’
Mann or Myth: Part 2
Mann is proud to have been backed by disgraced PSU president Graham Spanier. Continue reading Mann or Myth: Part 2
Global warming causes elephant seals to dive deeper
Oh yeah, the researchers still need to collect evidence. Continue reading Global warming causes elephant seals to dive deeper