“India’s coal demand is expected to climb 41 percent to 981 million tons in the next five years.” Continue reading Coal on the rise in India
Month: February 2012
The Case of the Disappearing Sierra Snowfall
A new report says snowfall in the Sierra hasn’t shrunk, but not everyone’s buying it. Continue reading The Case of the Disappearing Sierra Snowfall
WND: Gore’s Global Warming Agenda Rising Again?
“Václav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, likewise predicts Inhofe’s book will exert a profound influence on the climate-change debate.” Continue reading WND: Gore’s Global Warming Agenda Rising Again?
Happy Birthday, Kyoto Protocol!
The Kyoto Protocol is seven years old today. Are we feeling cooler, yet? Continue reading Happy Birthday, Kyoto Protocol!
Hillary solves global warming for $12 million and no pain for U.S.
Under the Kyoto Protocol, it would have cost $50 trillion to get the same “savings” in global temperature. Continue reading Hillary solves global warming for $12 million and no pain for U.S.
Heartland Document Theft Makes Corporate Donors Squirm: Part 2
Does Microsoft make its employees shower after dealing with skeptics? Continue reading Heartland Document Theft Makes Corporate Donors Squirm: Part 2
Heartland Document Theft Makes Corporate Donors Squirm: Part 1
Corporate America can be really embarrassing. Continue reading Heartland Document Theft Makes Corporate Donors Squirm: Part 1
IBD: No Freedom For You! When School Lunch Nazis Attack
“The nanny state that tells us what cars we should drive, what energy we must use and what health insurance we must have is now telling mothers what they can put in their children’s school lunches.” Continue reading IBD: No Freedom For You! When School Lunch Nazis Attack
‘Confused’ Revkin not open to Heartland outreach
Oh yeah… he joined the Climategaters long ago. Continue reading ‘Confused’ Revkin not open to Heartland outreach
Video: Ohio Rep. probes Obama Interior Dept. scheme to lie about coal industry job losses
Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio) questioned the Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, to find out what he knew about his department telling contractors to lie about job loss estimates from his proposed rewrite of the Stream Buffer Zone Rule. This proposed rewrite could cost almost 30,000 direct and indirect coal jobs. Continue reading Video: Ohio Rep. probes Obama Interior Dept. scheme to lie about coal industry job losses
Debunked (more): Mercury-Autism Link
A new study reports that urinary mercury concentrations weren’t correlated with the incidence of autism — so Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is still wrong. Continue reading Debunked (more): Mercury-Autism Link
Wrong: Christian Science Monitor headline on Heartland leak
“Documents reveal Koch-funded group’s plot to undermine climate science.” Continue reading Wrong: Christian Science Monitor headline on Heartland leak