Macdonald: Green Inc.

“Conservationists count their victories in terms of things that don’t happen – developments thwarted.”

From Eco-Fascism:

Hell hath no fury like a greenie scorned. Christine Macdonald left journalism for her “dream job” at Conservation International in 2006. A year later she was let go. To retaliate she wrote the muckraking Green, Inc. (Lyons Press, 2008). While the book suffers from Macdonald’s militant environmentalist polemics, it does dish the dirt. Highlights:

Tens of thousands of nature preserves now cover 10% of Earth’s landmass. Most of these parks were imposed on underdeveloped countries in the last few decades. Such parks, while nominally state-owned, are under environmental movement control.

Millions of Africans have been evicted from their homes to make way for nature preserves.

In 2005, to Big Green’s delight, Indonesia launched Operation Forests Forever. 1,500 police and paramilitary troops dragged 180 loggers and timber merchants off to jail.

The contraversial US-based, Conservation International, received $300 million from one philanthropist.

While the public perceives environmentalists as scruffy leftist tree-huggers, leading American environmentalists are a staid clique of “right-leaning” Washington, DC insiders.

Across America there is a ubiquitous but dodgy practise whereby wealthy, well-connected movement insiders get to build mansions inside designated wilderness preserves…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Macdonald: Green Inc.”

  1. “Well-connected movement insiders get to build mansions inside designated wildeness preserves.”
    I am seeing something similar in WY. The WY G&F commission has an official publication called “Wyoming Wildlife”. There is hardly an issue that does not picture some little homesteader’s half-acre plot located in the exurbs of one of our cities and setting in a barren, dry alakli flat and denigrate the owner as an “enemy of the environment”. But you will never see a picture, much less an article about the millionare three story log mansions gouged into the sides of our most scenic mountain ranges. And they expect our forrest Rangers and fire fighters to risk their lives to protect them.

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