Krugman: Santorum a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for ‘hoax’ comment

Calling Tim Wirth and Naomi Klein.

Former Enron adviser Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times:

… [Rick Santorum] has also declared that climate change is a hoax, part of a “beautifully concocted scheme” on the part of “the left” to provide “an excuse for more government control of your life.” You may say that such conspiracy-theorizing is hardly unique to Mr. Santorum, but that’s the point: tinfoil hats have become a common, if not mandatory, G.O.P. fashion accessory…

What was it UN Foundation Tim Wirth once said? Oh, yes:

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.

And then there’s Naomi Klein, who wrote:

Heartland’s Bast puts it even more bluntly: For the left, “Climate change is the perfect thing…. It’s the reason why we should do everything [the left] wanted to do anyway.”

Here’s my inconvenient truth: they aren’t wrong.

One thought on “Krugman: Santorum a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for ‘hoax’ comment”

  1. If Santorum was wrong and a “tinfoil hat” wearer, would’nt it just be easier to quietly dismiss him
    as being irrelevent and let his own words damage himself? Me thinks they protest too loudly.

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