Hume: Skeptics are ‘fake’

We just pinched ourselves. We seem real.

Vancouver Sun columnist Stephen Hume rails i “Fake skeptics of climate change won’t be swayed by good science“:

…At the University of Victoria, leading climate researcher Andrew Weaver and his colleagues have a “wall of hate” where they post the more egregious personal attacks. British and American police investigated death threats directed at scientists identified in the Climategate emails.

Yet, as the recipient of that blizzard of emails from “skeptics” citing Climategate, what’s interesting to me is that so far I haven’t had a single one drawing my attention to Denialgate. Not one. Nada. Zero.

This says something about the self-styled “skeptics.”

They’re not – skeptics, that is. They are true believers – or should I say, unbelievers – who support an anti-global warming lobby. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s not a crime.

But they are false skeptics. They’re not really interested in even-handed examination of competing ideas. They practise what’s called confirmation bias, cherry-picking evidence favourable to predisposed beliefs. They practise faith, not science…


4 thoughts on “Hume: Skeptics are ‘fake’”

  1. “They’re not really interested in even-handed examination of competing ideas. They practise what’s called confirmation bias, cherry-picking evidence favourable to predisposed beliefs. They practise faith, not science…”

    Now who might you think that description could apply to? No prizes for guessing – I haven’t sufficient funds….

  2. Well, it is no surprise that this dope has not received a single letter from me about “DenialGate” First, I didn’t even know that he existed before this post on JunkScience. Second, I have no idea what he means by “DenialGate”.

    He is speaking to an empty house… maybe loudly, but ineffectively.

  3. The only way they (alarmist) are smarter than us is because they’ve figured out how to get money from the government with their gloom and doom predictions.

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