Hong Kong’s light pollution a health risk?

“insomnia for residents like Wesley Wai, who put together a video called the “Lucifer Effect” to show how much light bleeds into his bedroom at night.”

CNN reports:

While Hong Kong cashes in on China’s staggering economic growth, many of the city’s residents are choking as a result of it.

If it isn’t air pollution that is causing health issues among locals: it’s light pollution.

While the bright tantalizing lights of Hong Kong’s skyline are iconic of Hong Kong’s image, they are also keeping people awake, rising stress levels and causing insomnia for residents like Wesley Wai, who put together a video called the “Lucifer Effect” to show how much light bleeds into his bedroom at night. With rising property prices, residents like Wai often have few choices but to live in densely crowded, bright night areas.

Now Hong Kong’s government has taken its first steps towards combating light pollution with a set of guidelines for businesses in Hong Kong to follow regarding external lighting which includes neon lights and signage.

The guidelines encourage commercial buildings to turn off their lights after business hours and choosing energy-saving hardware for the next three years before creating standards to legally regulate external lighting.

However, local green group Friends of the Earth does not think these new guidelines have any “teeth” in preventing an increase in light pollution in Hong Kong…

Read the entire report.

2 thoughts on “Hong Kong’s light pollution a health risk?”

  1. I find it hard to believe there is exists no method to block outside light from entering one’s home in Hong Kong. People in the US that work the night shift deal with this all the time. What’s wrong with the people of Hong Kong?

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