Greenwire: Gleick a ‘warrior’

Gleick is a legend in Greenwire’s own mind.

In “Scientist who leaked Heartland documents is a well-known political warrior,” Greenwire describes admitted con man Peter Gleick as:

… a California-based climate and water researcher with a penchant for going after climate skeptics.

What did Gleick do to warrant the “warrior” appellation?

Gleick has been equally involved in the war against nonbelief in man-made climate science, originating the “Climate B.S. of the Year” award, which for 2011 was awarded collectively to the entire Republican presidential field…

Heartland was a runner-up for the 2011 award…

Gleick also criticized [Heartland] in a report titled “SkeptiCal,” which he authored for the Pacific Institute’s Integrity of Science Project.

What deeds.

2 thoughts on “Greenwire: Gleick a ‘warrior’”

  1. Had I been their spin doctor…I’d have called him a self-confessed criminal, OR just not make a comment….instead …they chose to lose more credibility by defending him.

    Adding Greenwire to the ever expanding list of resources …I CAN’T use in debate.

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