GM: Public ‘hates’ gasoline

We don’t know what GM spokesman Shad Blach is talking about — and neither does he.

Climatewire reports:

Car manufacturers are ready and willing to get away from petroleum-based fuels, an executive from the world’s largest automaker said yesterday…

“People did not want to buy one of our products because we had a history of fighting and looking for any other alternative other than building better cars,” said General Motors Co.’s spokesman for environment and energy matters, Shad Balch, at a panel featuring California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary Nichols, automakers and environmentalists. “For the first time, we’re not in disagreement with the regulation.”

Balch, who came to GM two years ago from former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s (R) Department of Corporations, sought to distance the oil industry from automakers. “The oil industry didn’t do us any favors when we were going through bankruptcy and they were making billions of dollars in profits,” he said.

There seems to be such a public hatred towards petroleum-based fuel, so why not build a vehicle that uses anything but?” he said…

The internal combustion engine (along with gasoline) is one of the greatest-ever boons to society.

6 thoughts on “GM: Public ‘hates’ gasoline”

  1. Government Motors follows government policy. One wonders how far the feds would go to enforce their silly daydreams. Will they actally mandate people buy useless electric cars?

    For Government Motors, the writing is already on the wall: google British Leyland.

  2. “The oil industry didn’t do us any favors when we were going through bankruptcy and they were making billions of dollars in profits,” he said.

    I don’t get the correlation. Is the oil industry supposed to disdain profits in order to demonstrate sympathy toward GM?

    “There seems to be such a public hatred towards petroleum-based fuel, so why not build a vehicle that uses anything but?” he said…

    GM does not make a gasoline free passenger vehicle that I’m aware of. Even the Volt requires gasoline so what is this guy talking about? GM as we once knew and repected her is not long for this planet.

    There probably is a segment of the population that has bought into the demonization of petroleum, but those people aren’t auto enthusiasts.

  3. I like gasoline, but I like diesel even better, but the govt. wont let me buy a proper diesel car.

  4. “Balch, who came to GM two years ago from former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s (R) Department of Corporations…”
    We see before us the “Amtrak-ification” of General Motors, you know, the part where people who know nothing about the business are put in charge of running it. Get ready for some politically correct money losing on a grand scale at GM, complete with toadies like Balch to explain how it will all be someone else’s fault. If only the taxpayer could come up with a few billion more dollars…

  5. Everything he said was pretty much a lie. With current technologies there is no better alternative to the ICE. And gasoline is still the best fuel to burn in them. It has the highest energy density and is relatively easy to store and transport. We love our cars and the gas that propels them because together they provide us with freedom unmatched historically. What we hate is people like Shad Blach that try to tell us how to think and feel. I have a message for him: leave me alone, I’m not harming you. And get your damn grubby hands off my wallet!

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