Gasland Creep: ‘When they kick me out… transparency in government goes out with me’

Except that the hearing was streamed live over the Internet.

After being kicked out of today’s hearing for trying to videotape it without permission, Gasland creep Josh Fox tried martyrizing himself to Politico:

Basically, we were trying to comply with their rules and at every turn we were backed off. Here we are worried, ‘Are we going to be blacklisted off the Hill?’ and it looks like we already have been.

There were no other broadcast journalists in the room. We’ve taped public hearings across the U.S. for 3½ years. We’ve taped hundreds. This is public speech and it’s protected — our ability to report on it is protected by the First Amendment. And they came to us and said, ‘You’re in violation of House rules.’ I told them, ‘You’re in violation of the rules of the United States of America, which is the Constitution.

We wanted to cover the hearing. We didn’t know what was going to happen. … We didn’t have a guy in there. Also, I felt there was a threat we would get kicked out. And that’s exactly what happened.

When they kick me out, John Boehner’s promise of transparency in government goes out with me. This is outrageous. I did not expect to be arrested today. I expected to be allowed to film. I did not expect to be walked out of there in handcuffs.

Click for the New York Times report.

Click here for Gasland debunked.

5 thoughts on “Gasland Creep: ‘When they kick me out… transparency in government goes out with me’”

  1. “We’ve taped”….”expected to be allowed to film”… gotta wonder if Josh’s use of such archaic terms means he’s never heard of the internet and live streaming video. Oh, wait, he did contact YouTube to get a critical piece about his “Gasland” yanked from the internet. Nevertheless, glad he is all for transparency.

  2. “When they kick me out, John Boehner’s promise of transparency in government goes out with me.”

    Boehner is president now?

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