Fracking Rules Draw Praise from Hunters and Anglers

A fifth column of enviros among outdoorsmen.

Fly Rod and Reel reports:

The Bureau of Land Management’s proposed rules on public disclosure of the contents of hydraulic fracturing fluids, as well as the handling of wastewater and the integrity of well casings, represent a step forward in ensuring responsible energy development on public lands, a sportsmen’s coalition said Monday.

portsmen for Responsible Energy Development has called on the BLM to make sure resources such as water, fish and wildlife are conserved when oil and gas are developed on public lands. The draft rule on hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is a prudent response to concerns about the potential impacts of drilling and the handling of drilling fluids on the lands that are crucial to the West’s water supplies, fish and wildlife, said Brad Powell, energy director for Trout Unlimited’s Sportsmen’s Conservation Project. TU is a member of the SFRED coalition…

Read the entire report.

4 thoughts on “Fracking Rules Draw Praise from Hunters and Anglers”

  1. When fracking chemicals and gasses released by fracking start causing fish kills, every fisherman in the country will be on board. You don’t mess with a mans favorite fishing spot!

  2. Environmentalists “love” sportsmen and ranchers, as long as they can use them to further their agenda, (stopping drilling, mining or pipelines) but quickly throw them under the bus as soon as they are no longer needed. One of our old neighbors became a radical enviro and joined Friends of The Earth. On a trip home between whale saving trips, he candidly told us: “We use sportsmen when it is convenient, but ‘sportsman’ is a dirty word to us, we hate the *)&^&%^)*&%^!”

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