Flashback: Gleick accused Heartland in 2009 of not being an ‘honest broker’


In February 2009, Gleick commented in the San Francisco Chronicle:

…Their irresponsible actions in this cherry-picking exercise substantially diminish even further Heartland’s claim to be any kind of honest broker of serious scientific skepticism on the topic of climate change…

Read Gleick’s entire commentary.

[h/t AlGoreLied.com via ClimateDepot.com]

One thought on “Flashback: Gleick accused Heartland in 2009 of not being an ‘honest broker’”

  1. [Gleick’s] irresponsible actions in this cherry-picking exercise substantially diminish even further [his] claim to be any kind of honest broker of … the topic of climate change…

    There, that’s better! 🙂

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