Feds: Fresh milk 150 times more dangerous than pasteurized dairy

“The states that allow sale of raw milk will probably continue to see outbreaks in the future.”

The Washington Times reports:

The federal government said Tuesday that fresh milk is 150 times more dangerous than pasteurized milk — a finding that bolsters the government’s argument as it goes after farmers who sell unpasteurized milk across state lines.

After a 13-year review, the taxpayer-funded Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said states where so-called “raw milk” is available had twice the rate of dairy-related disease outbreaks as states where those sales are banned…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Feds: Fresh milk 150 times more dangerous than pasteurized dairy”

  1. If I’m reading this right, in all of the US there were 239 related hospitalizatons in 13 years!!
    Obviously a major health crisis.

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