Faulty Thermometer Likely Cause of Fukushima Temperature Rise

“The prospect of another catastrophic explosion at the Fukushima-Daiichi is “virtually zero.”

From the Nuclear Energy Institute:

Last week, we alerted our readers to reports out of Japan that the temperatures inside Unit #2 at Fukushima Daiichi were rising. At the time, we noted that some of the reports of the news were, “rather breathless.” That judgment has been borne out, as we received the following welcome news from Japan overnight: “A faulty thermometer is likely to blame for rising temperatures inside a stricken nuclear reactor at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant, authorities said Monday, as Japan prepares to mark one year since a devastating earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear meltdown”…

Read the entire report.

5 thoughts on “Faulty Thermometer Likely Cause of Fukushima Temperature Rise”

  1. Thermometers cannot cause a raise in the temperature only indicate temperature…. with that said the thermocouple does not break it is just two wires welded together, most likely intensely hot melted corium has consumed it…

  2. That’s one indication, the catastrophic meltdown – if it really happened – may have been the result of sabotage.
    The back-up thermometer must have been faulty, too. In all reactors that blew up.

  3. ‘A faulty thermometer is likely to blame for rising temperatures’ reminds me of something about climatology. Hmmm…

  4. “A faulty thermometer is likely to blame for rising temperatures inside a stricken nuclear reactor at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant, authorities said Monday.

    is likely to blame? This means the authorities don’t know.

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