EPA chief: ‘Fracking’ can be OK

Meanwhile, Lisa Jackson and her agency work to slow/stop it.

The Asbury Park Press reports:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson told energy industry leaders and environmentalists Wednesday that natural gas fracking can be done without harmful impacts, presenting “an historic opportunity” for the country in terms of energy development and job creation.

“I think that fracking as a technology is perfectly capable of being clean. I do. But it requires people who are doing it and innovators who use the technology to take some time to make sure that it’s done right. And it requires smart regulation, smart rules of the road,” Jackson said…

Jim Walsh, a director of Food & Water Watch, said he disagreed with Jackson’s evaluation of fracking, but noted, “Safety is a subjective term. We’ve seen tremendous damage from fracking in different places.’’

“I appreciate that the EPA has been playing a much larger oversight role in fracking, but it’s far short of what’s needed,’’ said Walsh, who attended the conference. “She pointed out that New York is working in a responsible way, studying the issues, as opposed to fracking going on elsewhere without good regulation. She was on target there”…

Read the entire report.

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