Enviros blame Western smog — and nosebleeds — on fugitive oil, gas emissions

“We didn’t expect to see so much fugitive emissions.”

The Aspen Times reports:

Ozone-forming air pollution measured along the Colorado Front Range by scientists is up to twice the amount that government regulators have calculated should exist, according to a new study.

The researchers pinpoint oil and gas development as the main source — a finding that could have broad implications for the petroleum industry across the Rocky Mountain region.

The Front Range in recent years hasn’t met U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards for ozone pollution during the summertime. A similar problem occurs in the growing gas fields of western Wyoming and eastern Utah during the winter, when conditions including bright sunshine, temperature inversions and snow on the ground help stimulate ozone formation.

Ozone levels in Wyoming’s Upper Green River Basin last winter exceeded some of the worst days in big cities during the summertime, causing some to complain of itchy eyes and nosebleeds and Wyoming regulators to urge children and the elderly to stay indoors…

Nosebleeds from smog?

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Enviros blame Western smog — and nosebleeds — on fugitive oil, gas emissions”

  1. There are a lot of emissions in gasoline fugitives, mostly from gas stations. Development and industrial sites have monitoring programs and requirements. Gas stations pop relief valves, which don’t reseat, and then procede to leak a gallon a day for the next five years. (data on hearsay from chitchat with TCEQ)

    Also, smog is an irritant. Nosebleeds aren’t a direct result, but can be an indirect result, from greater snot formation, wiping, and scratching. No data to back it up, but I wouldn’t put it outside the realm of possibility.

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