Environmental community rallies for deposed Maldives leader

The “Mandela of the Indian Ocean” or just another climate crackpot?

Climatewire reports:

A leading climate change activist has launched a diplomatic campaign on behalf of ousted Maldivian president and environmental champion Mohamed Nasheed.

Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, delivered petitions with about 30,000 signatures to the U.S. State Department and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office yesterday urging both governments to assure Nasheed’s safety.

McKibben said he was distressed that the Obama administration characterized Nasheed’s Tuesday resignation as having been “handled constitutionally.” Nasheed, the country’s first democratically elected president, told reporters he resigned at gunpoint after armed police threatened to use force against him and his staff. He has called his ouster a coup.

“The climate community, like any other army, should do its best not to leave anybody on the battlefield. We’ve got to help how we can here,” McKibben said…

“He is the Mandela of the Indian Ocean,” McKibben said. “He’s been the most outspoken head of state about climate change there is.”

Click for “Maldives President: Hero or Crackpot?”

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