Energy Independence: Turkey moves to coal, nuclear

And away from Russian gas.

The Financial Times reports:

Much of Europe may be moving towards cleaner power but in Turkey it is a different story.

EUAS, the country’s state-owned electricity company, was due on Monday to sign a memorandum of understanding with two South Korean groups on a $2bn coal fired power plant. It is also moving ahead with plans for two nuclear plants.

The government says that by 2023 it wants to reduce the percentage of electricity generated by gas from 50 per cent to 30 per cent.

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That contrasts with a new study showing that 71 per cent of new power generating capacity in the European Union last year came from renewable energy sources.
For economic and diplomatic reasons, Ankara is keen to cut its dependence on gas imports from Russia and Iran and to boost its – hitherto insufficient – domestic energy production. About three quarters of the country’s energy comes from abroad…

Read the entire FT report.

One thought on “Energy Independence: Turkey moves to coal, nuclear”

  1. Turkey should not have to depend on Russia or any other country for fuel for their nuclear power plants. Let Turkey enrich, reprocess and breed fuel! Let every country go nuclear and it will be impossible to start nuclear wars to stop nuclear proliferation. Let every country build nuclear bombs and nuclear rockets and we might have enough to shoo off the next asteroid.

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