Delingpole: Germany’s ‘Godfather of Green’ Turns Skeptic

“If Al Gore or David Suzuki or NASA’s Jim Hansen were suddenly to renounce man-made global warming, it could hardly be more surprising.”

James Delingpole writes at the Energy Tribune:

…This month’s shock new bestseller in Germany is a climate skeptical book called Die Kalte Sonne (“The Cold Sun.”). It’s shocking not just because Germany has, up till now, been one of Europe’s most ecologically correct economies, but also because its co-author Professor Fritz Vahrenholt is one of the country’s best known environmentalists.

If Al Gore or David Suzuki or NASA’s Jim Hansen were suddenly to renounce man-made global warming, it could hardly be more surprising. Up until two years ago, Vahrenholt was Germany’s Godfather of Green: a green activist and former environment minister for the State of Hamburg. In his new book, however, published by one of Germany’s most respected, mainstream publishers Hoffman und Campe, Vahrenholt pours cold water on the notion of catastrophic man-made global warming. He accepts that the planet has warmed by 0.8 degrees C in the last century – but not the idea that this is anything to worry about….

Read the entire commentary.

4 thoughts on “Delingpole: Germany’s ‘Godfather of Green’ Turns Skeptic”

  1. I’m surprised that Delingpole doesn’t mention Varhenholt’s continuing support for emissions trading, as he stated in an interview with Der Spiegel. Maybe the interview was published after Delingpole’s article.,1518,813814-2,00.html

    “Vahrenholt: All I’m saying is that CO2 is a climate gas, but that its effect is only half as strong as the IPCC claims. Nevertheless, we still have to reduce CO2 emissions through worldwide emissions trading.”

  2. I applaud the candor of Professor Fritz Vahrenholt. His willingness to not only accept that the science he once believed in has been manufactured, but he also confirms his desire to learn from these mistakes and allow a true scientific approach to the issue to begin. Finally, some common sense enters the arena of thought!

  3. Vahrenholt is way smarter than the Suz or Al Bore . . . these two will never figure it out . . . but they do understand what keeps the cash coming.

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