DeCoster: Raw Milk is Killing Millions of People; Must Be Banned

“The government needs to go after raw milk farmers because it is “150 times more dangerous” than government-approved milk.”

Karen DeCoster writes at

This is one of those junk science headlines that you just love to hate: “Feds: Fresh milk 150 times more dangerous than pasteurized dairy.” I’ll try to summarize this piece from the Washington Crimes without being too silly.

The government needs to go after raw milk farmers because it is “150 times more dangerous” than government-approved milk. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) did a 13-year study that found an amazing number of people (200!) who were hospitalized due to “disease outbreaks” of raw milk. A near mass extermination that should propel our authorities into action to save us from further carnage! Diarrhea and a stomach ache is now a disease outbreak.

Here are some real statistics on raw milk (at end of article), and better yet, here is the best – and most hilarious – explanation, ever, of junk scientific methodology and how the media distorts the already distorted studies with sensationalist headlines and junk content. Thanks to Travis Holte for the link.

Click for the entire story with links and video.

7 thoughts on “DeCoster: Raw Milk is Killing Millions of People; Must Be Banned”

  1. Liberals are much more dangerous to humans than raw milk. I raised cattle, and calves loved it. Never saw a sick calf. I, a human, drank raw milk strained through a cheese cloth and refrigerated. Was good up to a week. No one ever was sick drinking raw milk. This claim is bool sheet.

  2. Next thing you know, they’ll put fluoride in the water and irradiate ground beef. Oh, the horror of it all.

  3. Hopefully, the greenies will drink the raw milk, letting nature take its course. Whether raw milk is “more dangerous” or not isn’t relevant. As long as it is properly labeled (so a consumer knows that it is raw milk), then people should be able to buy and consume it if they should wish to do so. That is what liberty is all about. We don’t need the nanny state telling everyone what they should use or consume.

  4. Wait a minute. I thought killing people was a good thing for nature. And this is natural – if not, dare I say, even organic!

  5. Raw milk is dangerous???
    Do they include a mother’s breast milk that her baby drinks???

    If so, it is a wonder that most of us have survived!!!!

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