Death isn’t an option: climate change activists aren’t waiting for deniers to die

“Younger people don’t have any financial vested interest in climate change, and seeing older people denying it, annoys young people because they are putting profits and lifestyle in front of the future.”

Freya Cole writes at

Crikey asked some of Australia’s most influential young environmentalists whether they were just waiting for older timer climate deniers to die.

Death is too far away, says Ellen Sandell, the national director of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC). “Unfortunately, we don’t have that long to wait, all the science is saying that we have a narrow opportunity in which to act. Action needs to happen before they die because the longer we wait the harder it gets to make a difference.”

But she admits it is frustrating. “It is irresponsible and disheartening to see older people not thinking of the future,” Sandell told Crikey.

“Younger people don’t have any financial vested interest in climate change, and seeing older people denying it, annoys young people because they are putting profits and lifestyle in front of the future”…

Read the entire report.

3 thoughts on “Death isn’t an option: climate change activists aren’t waiting for deniers to die”

  1. I wonder if these young environmental extremists believe in the disproved hockey stick of Michael Mann or the revealed emails of East Anglia in England or Jim Hansen and his faked NASA info??? Maybe they should read Dr. Roy Spencer’s book “Climate Confusion” or Avery and Singers book “Unstoppable Global Warming”. Maybe they should research the info revealed about weather stations placed near asphalt or air conditioners. Maybe they should follow the money trail to government grants to those who spout Ar Gores hysteria. There is one good thing to note. As one grows older they become more conservative.

  2. The Flash page states this, “The best spin-free, mogul-free journalism in the country”.

    “deniers” is used in the headline and throughout the article. that IS surely, “spin-free”.

    IMO The continued usage of this word from AGW’ers……provides evidence of the lack of education and scientific foundation behind AGW’ers claims.

    In fact, I seriously doubt they can actually say just what Climate Realists are in denial of?

    However, I CAN say that AGW’ers deny / limit Natural Climatic Cycles.

    I suggest these Environmentalists kids actually take some Normal Science courses and stay away from post-normal science.

    Discloser: I’m a kid…I’m not a white Conservative male.

  3. Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man. Leviticus Something:Something

    If the aged are all very skeptical of the cause, perhaps it is the cause that’s the problem.

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