Clean coal ‘unviable for two decades’

Coal is already clean (except for China and maybe India).

ABC (Sydney) reports:

There will be no business case for developing clean-coal power plants in Australia or overseas in the next 20 years, according to a key Federal Government advisor.

National Low Emissions Coal Council chairman Dick Wells says even the introduction of a carbon price in July will not entice the coal industry to invest the billions required for clean-coal plants because it makes no financial sense and punishes shareholders.

He says carbon capture and storage (CCS) will not play a major role in combating dangerous climate change unless the Gillard Government dramatically increases industry assistance.

“If you want to wait for the carbon price to rise to levels where these will be commercially viable we’re probably into the 2030s,” Mr Wells said…

Read the entire report.

Read “Climate bill is built on ‘clean coal’ myths.”

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