5 thoughts on “Cartoon: How electric cars work”

  1. Exactly. That’s why we have SETIS in the EU.
    1. Inclusive, Sustainable Smartly Organized Societies, Regions and Cities where people don’t have to drive that much – the best km is the km that does not have to be driven: high rise buildings with a low footprint, producing as much energy, water, food and closed loops as possible, and an electric tram that runs vertically aka elevator. A city made for walking and biking. A piping network to deliver goods. The piping network for delivering people = metro. Self-driving electric pods for first and last mile solutions.
    2. Sustainable energy mix. Don’t sponsor the terrorist.
    3. Electric taxi- and deliver vans.
    4. …
    https://setis.ec.europa.eu – Strategic Energy Technologies Information System to keep an overview.

  2. Of course after the loses do to charging(law of thermodynamics), loses converting the stored energy in the battery to power the electric motor, and starting with a coal fired plant efficiency of about 33%, where does that leave the electric car? About 10% tops?

  3. Robert, I had to smack a few art majors upside the head when they actually suggested this as a way to make wind-powered cars when I was back at UH.

  4. Hmm, I think I can see a way to fix this… Mount a wind turbine on the car roof and as it moves the wind generates the cars electricity… LOL I bet I could sell this idea to Al.

  5. A recovering alcholic can frequently laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of her prior life. Where’s our recovery?

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