‘Call to reveal funding behind climate sceptics’

From James Hansen and other self-styled “climate scientists.”

The “call” from the Climate and Health Council is below.


Statement from climate scientists and health professionals:

Call to reveal ALL funding behind climate sceptics

What motivates the Heartland Institute? As climate scientists and health professionals, we view the systematic sowing of unjustified doubt about climate science as confusing at best, and inhumane at worst. The Hippocratic Oath, the values of which generations of health professionals have adhered to, declares ‘first, do no harm’. In 2009, The Lancet declared, “climate change is the biggest global health threat of the twenty-first century”. Healthcare professionals have a duty to protect patients from disease and environmental harm. Biomedical treatment is just one form of healthcare. Public health professionals study relationships between climate change, sustainability, human health, carbon, physiology, and weather events. Scientific evidence demonstrates that sustainable development can bring with it health benefits, making it a win-win scenario (Lancet, November 2009). We only have a few years to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to avert dangerous climate change. Given the disproportionate influence given to climate sceptics by the media, it is in the public, national, and global interest for all funding behind their activities to be revealed. This will help people to make up their own minds about the truth of the climate change threat, so that action can be planned on the basis of evidence rather than confusion.
Signed by:

Professor Chris Rapley CBE, Professor of Climate Science, University College London

Dr. Jim Hansen, Climatologist, Columbia University

Professor Tim O’Riordan OBE, DL, FBA

Corinne Le Quéré,
Professor of Climate Change Science and Policy

Professor Martin McKee CBE MD DSc
Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Professor Sue Atkinson CBE
Visiting Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London

Professor Sir Andy Haines,
Professor of Public Health and Primary Care, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH
Professor and Director, Global Health Institute
University of Wisconsin

Dr Andrea Forde
Public Health Physician, Visiting Fellow Australian National University

Dr Richard Jaine, BSc MBChB MPH FNZCPHM
Senior Lecturer and Public Health Medicine Specialist
Department of Public Health, University of Otago

Emeritus Professor of Environmental Technology,
Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey

Walter Wehrmeyer MA PhD MIEMgt CEnv FRSA
Centre For Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg,
Professor and Director,
Global Change Institute,
University of Queensland

Dr. Robin Stott,
Physician, (retired)

Michael Moore
CEO, Public Health Association of Australia

Professor Anthony Capon MBBS PhD FAFPHM
Head, Discipline of Public Health, Faculty of Health
University of Canberra

Dr Jamie Hosking
Senior Research Fellow
University of Auckland

Dr Rebecca Randerson
General Practitioner/Lecturer
Wellington New Zealand

Professor John Wiseman
Professorial Fellow
Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute
University of Melbourne

Fiona Armstrong

Dr George Laking
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Auckland District Health Board

Doug Sellman MBChB, PhD, FRANZCP, FAChAM,
Professor, University of Otago, New Zealand

Associate Professor Richard Milne PhD, MRSNZ
School of Population Health
University of Auckland

Dr Peter Tait, RACGP General Practitioner of the Year 2007, Canberra

Dr Sudhvir Singh MBChB BMedSci
Waitemata District Health Board

Dr. Catherine Brogan MBBS FFPHM
Chief Executive
Public Health Action Support Team CIC

Dr Graeme Lindsay, FNZCPHM
OraTaiao: New Zealand Climate & Health

Dr Vivian Fu, MBChB, medical registrar

Dr Alex Macmillan MBChB, MPH
Senior Lecturer Environmental Health, School of Population Health, University of Auckland and OraTaiao, NZ Climate and Health

Monique Decortis

Dr Scott Metcalfe
Chief Advisor Population Medicine, public health physician
Co-Convenor, OraTaiao: New Zealand Climate and Health

Joanna Santa Barbara
Research Associate, University of Otago

Stephan Lewandowsky
Australian Professorial Fellow
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia

Russell Tregonning MBChB, FRACS, FNZOA.
Orthopaedic Surgeon and Senior Lecture,
University of Otago

Forbes McGain
Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Physician
Western Health, Victoria

Dr Susie Burke, Senior Psychologist, Public Interest, Environment & Disaster Response, Australian Psychological Society

8 thoughts on “‘Call to reveal funding behind climate sceptics’”

  1. It’s quite amazing that the alarmists have let us peek at who they are. What a tactical mistake they made by outing themselves. Maybe that’s what’s behind the Heartland “scandal”- a ruse to smoke out the enemy.

  2. I am sorry, but I don’t recognize too many on the signatory list but I would bet that between them one could account for at least a half $Billion in government and NGO funding. not to mention George Soros.

    The Nature Conservancy is pushing sea level rise here in Guilford CT with their Coastal Resilience program, working with their science partners at Goddard. It appears to be a land grab scheme to save the planet. They preasented a chart of expected SLR out to 2080 at 1 m. The chart is an exponential rise to 2080 but leaves off Hansen’s finale of 4 more meters in the following 20 years as presented in his paper. The charts are identical, and given the Goddard link the connection is undeniable. They will spring that on us later, I am sure. Charletans is too kind of a word to describe the obfuscations the heaters use.

  3. I couldn’t make it past “do no harm.” That’s all these people do: misdirecting resources toward infinitesimal “improvements” in air and water quality, condemning millions if not billions to lives of poverty chasing “renewable energy” and “sustainable development,” fear-mongering about technological improvements in crop science and chemistry leading to miserable deaths from starvation and diseases like malaria.

    How do they live with themselves?

  4. The climate realists don’t have to reveal their funding sources. Besides the results of research are not dependent on where the money comes from. Truth and facts don’t know the difference between taxpayer and private funding. However, the reluctance of the climate hysterics to release their data so their work can be reproduced and verified makes them suspect. While the realists have been totally open about their research, and have released all the data that makes up their findings, folks like Hansen, Mann, Jones & Briffa have not done the same. Efforts to reproduce their work have not been successful. Up until the warming agenda took hold, work that could not be reproduced was considered fraud, now it is supposedly the key to saving the universe from catastrophe. Of course the fly in the ointment is that the neither the work behind the agenda, or the allegedly looming catastrophe are legitimate.

  5. Ahah! Caught red-handed! Or, as Shakespeare would say, ‘hoist by his own petard.’

    “it is in the public, national, and global interest for all funding behind their [skeptic] activities to be revealed. This will help people to make up their own minds about the truth of the climate change threat, so that action can be planned on the basis of evidence rather than confusion.”

    You see? The evidence for the ‘climate change threat’ is funding. Billion$ for the warmist industry, and a trifling few million for Heartland. Maybe it’s time to believe Hansen after all.

  6. Hardly anyone on that list is a metorology/climatolgy scientist. You could have just picked the first twenty names out of a phone book.

    On top of that, funding is not determinate of results. I will admit that someone can hire folks to seek a result, but that will show in the details of the research and report. duh. This is just pure and simple Klimate Kabuki by Hansen, et al to misdirect the public from the fact the emperor has no clothes.

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