Bulgarian ‘Right Wingers’ Rise against Shale Gas Fracking Ban

“Bulgarian geologists have found no scientific proof of potential environmental dangers in shale gas research.”

Novinite.com reports,

Several MPs with the right-wing Bulgarian Blue Coalition have prepared a draft resolution against the recent ban imposed on the use of hydraulic fracturing in the country.

The lawmakers, including former PM Ivan Kostov (1997-2001), have demanded that the recently implemented ban on hydraulic fracturing in the research and/or extraction of gas and oil in Bulgaria should be lifted, adding that legislative amendments should be created in order to ensure environmental protection and effective control.

Researchers from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences’ Geological Institute have supported shale gas research in Bulgaria if state-of-the-art technologies and scientific methods are used and if strict environmental control is established, Ivan Kostov pointed out on Thursday, as cited by BGNES.

It would be unwise for Bulgaria to miss the opportunity to research into its shale gas resources, Kostov added…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Bulgarian ‘Right Wingers’ Rise against Shale Gas Fracking Ban”

  1. Why worry? Fracking earthquakes might only kill tens of thousands. Would that be enough dead for you?

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