Berwyn: The latest myth from global warming deniers

“Basic psychology tells us that pathological liars tend to make their falsehoods as specific as possible because they think that makes them more believable.”

Bob Berwyn writes in the Summit County Voice:

The latest climate-change rumor floating around the web is that global warming has ended, to which we could all say Hallelujah and Amen, were it only true.

Not only that, but the perpetrators of the myth have actually identified a specific date for the end of that pernicious warming trend that is already causing so many problems around the world.

Hanging their hat on a data set recently released by the UK Met Office, they claim that global temperatures have been cooling since 1997.

Of course, basic psychology tells us that pathological liars tend to make their falsehoods as specific as possible because they think that makes them more believable.

You’d think that, if the Met Office really had some stunning new data to show a reversal of the warming trend, they’d be trumpeting it on their homepage. It would, after all, be a major breakthrough, worthy of headlines in every major newspaper…

Read the screed.

One thought on “Berwyn: The latest myth from global warming deniers”

  1. “You’d think that, if the Met Office really had some stunning new data to show a reversal of the warming trend, they’d be trumpeting it on their homepage. ”

    I don’t think so, if they trumpeted it over the homepage, the Met would lose power and prestige. They would not be able to demand more money for AGW indoctrination programs, and studies, and they would have to repurpose themselves, which is always hard to do.

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