Al Gore’s Antarctic Yawn

Al is back from Antarctica. Here’s his report.

Al Gore writes on his blog:

It is difficult to describe the incredible experiences we have shared over the past week. From enduring the awesome power of the Drake Passage to taking in the full beauty of places like Danco Island and becoming transfixed by the teaming ocean wildlife, I am transformed, yet again, by this beautiful continent.

In addition to exploring the penguin colonies, glaciers, icebergs and viewing the seabirds, seals, whales, and more along the way, we learned a great deal about how the climate crisis is affecting the ice and the entire food chain on the Antarctic Peninsula from scientists onboard the ship and at Palmer Station.

One of the participants onboard said that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a personal experience is worth a thousand pictures. I couldn’t agree more.

Over the coming weeks, we will share more of the images that we collected along this journey. In the meantime, I encourage you to learn more about how climate change is affecting you in your hometown, recommit yourselves to solving this important problem and to join us at

[h/t ClimateDepot]

12 thoughts on “Al Gore’s Antarctic Yawn”

  1. I’m waiting for the report from Gore which tells us that it has gone beyond the tipping point, all the Polar Bears have gone – drowned because the sea ice has melted, and they have to swim distance that polar bears don’t normally cover.
    After all, his new concept of The Climate Reality Alternate Project would allow any reality possible for his rusted on followers (disciples).
    Funny thing about that acronym.

  2. Yeah I’ll bet he will share his images once photoshop has been yet again employed to ensure the result he and his crooked cronies are looking for – such an abject liar.

  3. Transformation???
    1. Crazed sex poodle
    2. Mann-bear-pig
    3. Internet master
    4. Useful idiot propagandist
    5. All of the above

    New NASA multiple choice survey.

  4. And that’s why, mere days prior to the Iowa caucuses, the previous v . p . found themself prostrate before his celebrity anchor, pleading him to not go, based on the source. Internally, network professionals fretted over exactly what the former v . p . should tell Olbermann to help keep him onboard.

  5. “I am transformed, yet again, by this beautiful continent.” So he’s been there before? And what is he now, after his new transformation? Actually, sounds like the same Al Gore.

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