ABC News: Are we ‘doping’ our atmosphere?

No. Just your viewers.

ABC News reports in “Global Warming: Like ‘Weather on Steroids’“:

Are we “doping” our atmosphere?

What’s going on with these record warm temperatures… extreme snowfall… even January tornadoes?

Is climate change the cause? Or more appropriately, what impact is climate change having on our weather?

To help answer those questions, a group of researchers has just released a new online guide for understanding the links between more extreme weather and a warming planet.

Is global warming throwing our weather out of whack? Scientists tell us there’s no easy, blanket answer. The bottom line is that the evidence can be strong or weak, depending on the type of weather.

That, admit researchers, can be confusing to anyone looking for a clear answer…

Global Warming: Like ‘Weather on Steroids’“>Read the entire plant.

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