A Riddle from the Sierra Club

Sierra Club executive director has a funny one in his latest blog posting.

Brune asks in his Feb. 14 posting:

… Why are we giving money to highly profitable polluting industries, for instance, instead of promoting clean-energy solutions that would put more people to work and fewer people in the hospital?

Give up?

If we didn’t give money to “highly profitable polluting industries,” where would the Sierra Club have gotten $26 million to attack the coal industry?

Brune’s own answer is the more cynical:

The obvious answer is that political priorities are so distorted by the gravitational influence (read “campaign contributions”) of big corporations that what’s best for “we the people” frequently gets overlooked.

Oh, that’s pretty funny, too:

…political priorities are so distorted by the gravitational influence (read “campaign contributions”) of big corporations…

You mean like Chesapeake Energy?

One thought on “A Riddle from the Sierra Club”

  1. The Sierra Club got $26 million. The Heartland Institute got (supposedly) $7.7 million. Oh, that Heartland Institute funding is so nasty!

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