350.org targets Chamber of Commerce members

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an “extreme right wing organization”?

350.org’s Colorado commissar Micha Parkin writes in the Aspen Times:

Even since the summer of ’49, when Albert Schweitzer came to town to help the Paepckes celebrate Goethe, Aspen has been a leader in American society. Historically that leadership was in arts and culture, music and ideas. Today, it continues on many levels, but most emphatically on climate change — which NASA scientist James Hansen calls the key moral question of our time.

In this arena, Aspen’s leadership has been groundbreaking. The Canary Initiative was created in 2005 to make Aspen ring a bell like “Kyoto” does when thinking about climate solutions. Aspen instituted one of the first carbon taxes in the nation on new construction. It has led the way on energy-efficient building codes and now gets 73 percent of its power from renewable sources, including two city-owned hydroelectric systems.

The Canary Initiative includes aggressive targets for carbon dioxide reduction and also focuses on policy, education and community engagement. And this makes sense, because Aspen has a lot to lose from climate change (as a 2007 study commissioned by the city showed) and also a global stage on which to begin solving the problem.

Given all this, why then is the Aspen Chamber Resort Association a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has done more to undermine progress on solving climate change than any entity on the planet? Worse, why is ACRA part of an extreme right-wing organization that in its history has opposed virtually everything Aspenites support — from civil rights and women’s rights to the Clean Air and Water acts?

Contact the Aspen Chamber now at info@aspenchamber.org and ask it to do its job, stand for Aspen’s values and resign now. [Emphasis added]

Read the screed.

One thought on “350.org targets Chamber of Commerce members”

  1. It’s getting extremely repetitive. If you’re closed minded and extreme, call for debate while demonizing your opponent as extremist.

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