EPA gave Gleick’s group $468,000 in grants

Money well spent, we’re sure.

  • $25,000 to evaluate indoor air interventions to reduce diesel particulate matter in West Oakland, Ca.
  • $100,000 for “The identified issue for this project is exposure to diesel emissions and other environmental hazards associated with inappropriate land use within West Oakland.”
  • $223,675 to “make use of a broad-based multistakeholder group (i.e. the West Oakland Toxic Reduction Collaborative) to assess conditions, develop solutions and support and leverage their implementation as related to environmental and public health burdens from air and other toxics.
  • $120,000 for “This amendment extends the project and budget ending dates from August 31, 2003 to December 31, 2003. There is no change in the approved EPA funding amount of $50,000 for your diesel truck emission reduction initiative. The conditions numbered 1 through 7 in the award remain in full force and effect.”

14 thoughts on “EPA gave Gleick’s group $468,000 in grants”

  1. Why wouldn’t fellow CAGW espousers in the EPA funnel money into the Pacific Institute?

    We need to print sites like those mentioned to pdf files as soon as we see them. I wish that I had gotten to them before they were disappeared by the EPA. I have used a program called PDFFactory Pro for years. There are many others. I have a climate folder that I dump such things into.

  2. The man is a genius, did he come up with these scams himself or did he act upon suggestions from within the EPA?
    When Gliek’s lawyer threatened to use “discovery” to find out who the anynomymous donor is did he consider Heartland could look into the funding of the Pacific Institute and where the EPA sends its funds? Is the granting of funds from the EPA to Gliek just an underhand method of channeling money to the Green groups he works with?

  3. You mentioned that on the other page. Just thought it would be interesting to locate any other references to see how far this goes.

    The database is acting clunky. On the All Grants page I am having trouble getting past the letter N. I’ve tried 2 different browsers. Weird.

  4. I’ll be damned. The pages have been deleted. No worries, though. We have a PDF file. Will post shortly.

  5. It appears the documents have been taken down. This is what you get when you click on the links. Of course this is epa.gov afterall.

    “HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception – Document has been deleted ”

    Did you get a chance to archive the documents?

  6. There’s gold in that thar alarmism. No wonder guys like Gleik, Zwick, and Mann will pull any stunt to keep the gravy train rolling.

    Are we seeing the nascent stages of the EPA’s war on trucking?

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