Virginia-Pilot: U.Va. professor throws cold water on global warming

“The biggest applause from the audience of about 35 people came when Singer suggested the Environmental Protection Agency be disbanded.”

The Virginia-Pilot reports,

Earth might be slightly warmer, and sea levels might be slightly higher, but the changes are natural and should not be blamed on fossil-fuel emissions, a panel of scientists and skeptics said at a public forum Tuesday.

“Human influence on the climate is very, very small – barely detectable,” S. Fred Singer, a critic of global warming and professor emeritus at the University of Virginia, told an audience at the Meyera Oberndorf Central Library…

The biggest applause from the audience of about 35 people came when Singer suggested the Environmental Protection Agency be disbanded.

“We already have clean air and water. So thank you very much, EPA, you can all go home now,” Singer said.

“Yeah,” shouted one audience member, “make them get a real job!”…

Read the entire Pilot report.

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