UN not worried about climate deal if Obama loses

No treaty would be America’s loss, says the UN.

Reuters reports,

(Reuters) – Leadership changes this year among some of the world’s heaviest polluting countries should not undermine progress towards setting up a new global legally binding climate deal by 2015, the United Nations’ climate chief said on Wednesday.

This year could see a sweeping change in national political leaders in large greenhouse gas emitters, including the United States, Russia, China and Japan, in elections or polls.

A U.S. presidential election in November could result in the Republican party seizing control from Democrat and U.S. President Barack Obama, prompting speculation that progress made so far to include the world’s second biggest polluter in a legally binding climate pact could be damaged.

Some Republicans have been openly outspoken about their opposition to climate change science and policies, and have stepped up efforts to scrap or water down national policies to protect the environment.

“It is up to the U.S. electorate to choose the kind of leadership it wants for the next term. It is not only the U.S., but many industrialized countries are having important leadership changes (this year),” Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, told Reuters in an interview.

“We will see new blood come on board, hopefully new visions, and a reinvigorated commitment to a topic which is not a partisan issue,” she added…

A day after the talks Canada withdrew from Kyoto, dealing the treaty a symbolic blow, but Figueres said that decision should not undermine global talks for a new deal this year.

“It’s like all the race horses are behind the starting gates and one bolts out. The loss of that horse will only delay the country’s own economic transformation and make it less competitive in the future,” she said…

2 thoughts on “UN not worried about climate deal if Obama loses”

  1. It’s why they are working so hard to get a “country clubber” as a Republican candidate. He’ll be easy to maniuplate if Obama should lose.

  2. If more countries are noticing the flawed science and craziness that is AGW, that means something is happening. With Canada making the first move to step out of the Kyoto Protocol, we can only hope that other countries follow suit. When the warmists realize that their homelands realize that what they are supporting is flawed, they will lose everything. When that happens, rest assured they will blame it on “denialists” and that “it is too late”. Remember, they said this back in the 1970’s. None of what they said was true or has come to be. It is the same now. The Doomsday clock they are stressing over is nothing but hokum.

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