Santorum smacks Romney, Gingrich on cap-and-trade

We love it when candidates talk tough on climate.

As reported by Environment & Energy Daily:

“If you look at cap and trade, Governor Romney was very proud to say that he was the first state in the country as governor to sign a cap on C02 emissions, the first state in the country to put a cap,” Santorum said.

He also knocked Romney for “believing in global warming and criticizing Republicans for not believing in it, as by the way, did Speaker Gingrich, who was for a cap-and-trade program with incentives, business incentives, but was for the rubric of cap and trade.”

“There is no difference between Obama and these two gentlemen,” Santorum concluded.

Neither candidate directly addressed Santorum’s criticism. But Romney — who slammed Gingrich for his participation in a 2008 commercial with then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as part of former Vice President Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project — defended his record as Massachusetts’ governor.

“When I was fighting against cap and trade, the speaker was sitting down on a sofa with Nancy Pelosi, encouraging it,” Romney said.

One thought on “Santorum smacks Romney, Gingrich on cap-and-trade”

  1. You are telling me that from a population exceeding 300 million, and assuming about half are Republicans, these are the very best candidates for the top job.

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