Santorum: Romney, Gingrich ‘bought into global warming hoax’

In tonight’s Florida GOP presidential debate, in his closing statement, Rick Santorum gestured over to Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney and said very matter of factly:

Cap-and-trade… both of them bought into the global warming hoax… cap-and-trade, top-down control of our energy and manufacturing policy…

4 thoughts on “Santorum: Romney, Gingrich ‘bought into global warming hoax’”

  1. In early 2008, Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs was overheard by a journalist saying “we’ll make billions out of this (cap and trade system)” when he came out of a meeting with Obama et al

    Who do you think is going to pay for it? It ain’t the government because they don’t have any money! Wake up!

  2. Newt’s backing those lobbyists right now. Ex politicians turned Lobbyists are the ones that get all of the Homeland Security / bogus war on terror / Defense contracts that are bankrupting us. This was Newt & the boys PNAC agenda. How do ya justify a Pentagon budget that went from 297 billion a year in 2001, to 600+ billion a year today? Add in the cost of the wars & the Homeland Security / bogus WOT crap, and we’re pissing away like 1 trillion a year. He’s backing those oil-stain lobbyists, too.

  3. Rick is SO Correct! We can’t have “Cap & Trade”,because that is part of the Globalist Design with which all industrial nations are destabilized/WILL be destabilized. ALGORE, climate fraudster, imo, would be made a BILLIONAIRE by this scam which would be PAID for by YOU and I(–and our children and so on). Nothing against the Rich,–we HAVE to have them to invest in the industries that will keep us safe from War & Terror, but Cap & Trade is just the buying and selling of “carbon-credits”, but as with MOST “big-govt.” deals, the COST$ for carbon increase over time, so you either have to be energy independent (–if we’re Allowed to be), or more and more of your paycheck, as a percentage, will go to those super-wealthy people who bought-up carbon credits when they were cheap, and who could stockpile LOTS of them when they were cheap, to be spent later. Our paper money is “worth” what we are TOLD it is worth, and for now, the other nations agree. If it were backed by precious metals, it would never lose value. So it is, with the Cap & Trade scam. Carbon credits are “worth” what we’re TOLD they are worth, but if you use more than your assigned alot-ment, or if our nation uses more than we’re supposed to use (as determined by the nations of the U.N. from the “Turd-world.”), we’ll have to BUY those carbon credits on an open-market, making the cost of living sky-rocket. The supposed “excuse” for this scam, is “Global-warming”, so you see WHY I am SO AGAINST PAYING for something that doesn’t exist, –except in the Hopes & Dreams of people like Soros, ALGORE, and the other Globalists. We used to complain about Congress “charging us” for programs many of us thought were UN-necessary. Because there’s no proven man-caused Global-warming, with Cap & Trade, we can be “charged” for something that doesn’t EXIST! I think that would be like actually PAYING dollars for Real Estate on a computer game, where the castle/whatever exists ONLY WITHIN the GAME! Do we Want to “game” ourselves because the Globalists believe in this lucrative FRAUD, or why don’t we just CUT THE CRAP, and HANG all those in favor of Cap & Trade from the nearest lampost (–I’m kidding, but the Globalists ARE…”rustling”…our “energy-cattle”, and we USED to Hang Rustlers back when!)…I think ANY candidate that espouses Cap & Trade is UN-ELECTIBLE. Nobama would be IN FAVOR of Cap & Trade, but he’s NOT mentioning it now. It IS, after-all, an election-year. Ron Paul is NOT in favor, imo, of carbon-credits, knowing they’re artificial, anti-business, anti-family, and Against the Constitution. Are there ANY others that are against Cap & Trade? I don’t know.–Friends, are there? Rick Santorum must be against Cap & Trade, or he wouldn’t have mentioned it. A LOT of Republican candidates have drunk the Carbon-credits Kool-aide. If YOU think cap & Trade is a “good-idea”, I’d like to sell you shopping-mall space on Mars. I can’t do that. That’s like those demmed-Globalists…

  4. Rick is SO Correct! We can’t have “Cap & Trade”,because that is part of the Globalist Design with which all industrial nations are destabilized/WILL be destabilized. ALGORE, climate fraudster, imo, would be made a BILLIONAIRE by this scam which would be PAID for by YOU and I(–and our children and so on). Nothing against the Rich,–we HAVE to have them to invest in the industries that will keep us safe from War & Terror, but Cap & Trade is just the buying and selling of “carbon-credits”, but as with MOST “big-govt.” deals, the COST$ for carbon increase over time, so you either have to be energy independent (–if we’re Allowed to be), or more and more of your paycheck, as a percentage, will go to those super-wealthy people who bought-up carbon credits when they were cheap, and who could stockpile LOTS of them when they were cheap, to be spent later. Our paper money is “worth” what we are TOLD it is worth, and for now, the other nations agree. If it were backed by precious metals, it would never lose value. So it is, with the Cap & Trade scam. Carbon credits are “worth” what we’re TOLD they are worth, but if you use more than your assigned alot-ment, or if our nation uses more than we’re supposed to use (as determined by the nations of the U.N. from the “Turd-world.”), we’ll have to BUY those carbon credits on an open-market, making the cost of living sky-rocket. The supposed “excuse” for this scam, is “Global-warming”, so you see WHY I am SO AGAINST PAYING for something that doesn’t exist, –except in the Hopes & Dreams of people like Soros, ALGORE, and the other Globalists. We used to complain about Congress “charging us” for programs many of us thought were UN-necessary. Because there’s no proven man-caused Global-warming, with Cap & Trade, we can be “charged” for something that doesn’t EXIST! I think that would be like actually PAYING dollars for Real Estate on a computer game, where the castle/whatever exists ONLY WITHIN the GAME! Do we Want to “game” ourselves because the Globalists believe in this lucrative FRAUD, or why don’t we just CUT THE CRAP, and HANG all those in favor of Cap & Trade from the nearest lampost (–I’m kidding, but the Globalists ARE…”rustling”…our “energy-cattle”, and we USED to Hang Rustlers back when!)…I think ANY candidate that espouses Cap & Trade is UN-ELECTIBLE. Nobama would be IN FAVOR of Cap & Trade, but he’s NOT mentioning it now. It IS, after-all, an election-year. Ron Paul is NOT in favor, imo, of carbon-credits, knowing they’re artificial, anti-business, anti-family, and Against the Constitution. Are there ANY others that are against Cap & Trade? I don’t know.–Friends, are there? A LOT of Republican candidates have drunk the Carbon-credits Kool-aide. If YOU think cap & Trade is a “good-idea”, I’d like to sell you shopping-mall space on Mars. I can’t do that. That’s like those demmed-Globalists…

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