Santorum: ‘I didn’t sit on any couches with any former speakers of the House’

“Former”? Pelosi was the Speaker at the time.

From the Wall Street Journal Washington Wire blog:

Rick Santorum boiled over with frustration at a campaign stop here when he was asked about Newt Gingrich’s remarks suggesting he should exit the race and endorse the former House speaker.

Speaking to a standing-room crowd at The Flight Deck restaurant here, Mr. Santorum took a veiled shot at Mr. Gingrich. “I didn’t sit on any couches with any former speakers of the House” – a reference to a 2008 ad Mr. Gingrich filmed with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) to prod Congress to enact legislation to combat climate change. He also reminded the audience that conservative Republicans tried to oust Mr. Gingrich as speaker because they were frustrated with his leadership.

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