Romney, Gingrich rip Obama on Keystone

“As if these people were governing from Mars.”

As reported by the Los Angeles Times:

“President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline is as shocking as it is revealing,” Mitt Romney, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, said in a statement. “By declaring that the Keystone pipeline is not in the ‘national interest,’ the president demonstrates a lack of seriousness about bringing down unemployment, restoring economic growth, and achieving energy independence. He seems to have confused the national interest with his own interest in pleasing the environmentalists in his political base.”

At a campaign event in Warrensville, S.C., Newt Gingrich called the decision a “stunningly stupid thing to do.”

The large crowd gathered to see Gingrich roared. “There’s no better word. These people are so out of touch with reality, it’s as if they were governing Mars.”

Gingrich said the decision will drive Canada into a partnership with China, and the oil would have reduced American dependency on foreign oil.

“If there was ever a time we needed an American energy policy to get free of the Middle East, it is right now,” he said. “My goal is to make America so energy independent that no American president ever again bows to a Saudi king.”

7 thoughts on “Romney, Gingrich rip Obama on Keystone”

  1. This decision fits in with the Obama administration objective of eliminating fossil fuels from our energy mix. Each has a windmill, when it works you have power

    I am FOIA

  2. funny thing is Obama is complaining about the deadline … which is over a month away … after 3 completed studies over the last 3 years …
    PresentDent Obama shows his true colors …

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