Report: Olympic National Park glaciers continue to shrink, most recent study finds

The first principle of climate alarmism is “Change is man’s fault.”

The Peninsula Daily News reports,

The glaciers in the North Olympic Peninsula’s national park have shrunk by an average of 15 percent of their mass since the 1980s.

“One glacier has completely disappeared,” Bill Baccus, Olympic National Park physical scientist, told a standing-room crowd of at least 100 people at the park’s Visitor’s Center on Tuesday…

Another glacier, Lillian, has “virtually disappeared,” he said.

Baccus has been studying the park’s 311 glaciers in detail since 2010, after receiving a grant in 2009 to study global climate change on the Olympic glaciers…

The situation in the Olympics is not as bad as it is in Glacier National Park, where it is estimated that the park’s largest glaciers will vanish by 2030, he said…

“The glaciers are responding to the current climate,” Baccus said.

“It’s been warmer on average the last 50 years than the 50 years prior to that.”

The average air temperature in the Pacific Northwest has gone up 3 degrees Fahrenheit since 1920.

While it’s undeniable there is a warming trend, Baccus said, he cautioned it isn’t from one source; many factors have contributed…

Even though the mass of the glaciers is thinning, the number has increased.

There are actually more glaciers today than there once were because some large glaciers of the past have broken up into multiple small glaciers, Baccus said.

In 1982, researchers found 266 glaciers.

In 2010, they found 311.

Glaciers on north-facing slopes fared significantly better than south-facing glaciers, he said…

Read the entire Daily News article.

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