Poll: Ohioans Want Benefits of Fracking for Gas Without Earthquakes

Some risk is part of life. Why allow an occasional minor earth rumble to stop jobs and economic growth?

Bloomberg reports,

Residents of Ohio (STOOH1), where unprecedented earthquakes are under investigation, say the benefits of drilling for natural gas and oil outweigh environmental concerns, a Quinnipiac University poll shows. They also say fracking should stop until more studies on its impact are done.

Sixty-four percent of voters think there should be drilling despite possible harm, according to results released today. When asked whether hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, should be halted for more study, 72 percent said that was a good idea.

“Ohio voters are conflicted,” Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Hamden, Connecticut, school’s Polling Institute, said in a statement. “They recognize the economic value of drilling for fossil fuels in the state but are worried about potential environmental risks of the specific technique”…

Stopping fracking pending study is another bad idea — opponents will never admit to researcher being complete.

2 thoughts on “Poll: Ohioans Want Benefits of Fracking for Gas Without Earthquakes”

  1. “Unprecedented.” There’s another one of those portentous yet scientifically unprovable words. Anything like the unprecedented levels of low-level tornadoes being a result of new sensitivity?

  2. Since fracking was first tried in 1949, some 2.5 million frackings have been performed.
    The number of damaging earthquakes which have resulted is zero.
    So far, the odds of a damaging earthquake resulting from fracking are less than those of being killed by a lightning strike.

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