Obama will still take your Volt back, though. Continue reading Gov’t ends investigation of Gov’t Motors’ Volt
Month: January 2012
Obama’s donors want more than Keystone
Green donors want more jobs killed in the name of Gaia. Continue reading Obama’s donors want more than Keystone
EPA chief: Global warming promotes terrorism
Obama approves $25 million loan for 54 biofuels jobs
Obama says no to oil, yes to biofuels. Continue reading Obama approves $25 million loan for 54 biofuels jobs
New federal (NAPAP) acid rain report released
Progress claimed on what was never a problem to start with? Continue reading New federal (NAPAP) acid rain report released
EPA accused of ‘sue and settle’ to expand regulatory reach
“It is time to end this mission creep and restore the EPA’s intended role as described by the Clean Water Act,”says Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio). Continue reading EPA accused of ‘sue and settle’ to expand regulatory reach
Obama administration sells fewest Western drilling leases in 25 years
If leasing, permitting and drilling returned to 2007/2008 levels, as many as 30,000 jobs could be created over the next four years, and federal royalties could rise by $2 billion. Continue reading Obama administration sells fewest Western drilling leases in 25 years
Obama forced to abandon anti-fracking Dept. nominee
“But the fact that you come in as an activist with an extreme position is just more of the same in the administration, in every little corner of government,” said Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK). Continue reading Obama forced to abandon anti-fracking Dept. nominee
Study challenges existence of arsenic-based life
Remember this December 2010 New York Times headline: “Microbe Finds Arsenic Tasty; Redefines Life”? Continue reading Study challenges existence of arsenic-based life
New GMO scare documentary: ‘Just Label It’
A documentary that makes an oxymoron out of “informed consent.” Continue reading New GMO scare documentary: ‘Just Label It’
Huntsman’s Team on Why They Lost: Climate and Evolution
Hunter Baker explains Jon Huntsman’s downfall at Spectator.org: Continue reading Huntsman’s Team on Why They Lost: Climate and Evolution
TV weathermen to be pressured on global warming
Tonight’s forecast: A 50% chance of snow and 100% chance of propaganda? Continue reading TV weathermen to be pressured on global warming