WSJ: A Badly Distorted Discourse on U.S. Energy Policy

Five terrific Wall Street Journal letter responses to the Jan. 24 WSJ op-ed by Tom Steyer and John Podesta claiming that “We Don’t Need More Foreign Oil and Gas.” Continue reading WSJ: A Badly Distorted Discourse on U.S. Energy Policy

IBD: Blocking Keystone XL Is Bad For Canada, Too

“Forget for a minute the sheer stupidity of stopping a pipeline that creates jobs at no cost to U.S. taxpayers. The harm done to Canada merits some attention as well.” Continue reading IBD: Blocking Keystone XL Is Bad For Canada, Too

Santorum: Romney, Gingrich ‘bought into global warming hoax’

In tonight’s Florida GOP presidential debate, in his closing statement, Rick Santorum gestured over to Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney and said very matter of factly: Continue reading Santorum: Romney, Gingrich ‘bought into global warming hoax’

T. Boone Pickens visited W.H. seven times

“Oil and gas magnate T. Boone Pickens is celebrating Thursday after President Barack Obama used a major energy speech to tout the increased use of natural gas vehicles — a key part of the so-called Pickens Plan.” Continue reading T. Boone Pickens visited W.H. seven times