Newt & Nancy’s Loveseat: Brought to You by George Soros

“Unlike Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney never sat next to Nancy Pelosi in an ad funded by George Soros on behalf of Al Gore’s global warming initiative.”


Jan 30,2012 – Newt & Nancy’s Loveseat: Brought to You by George Soros

Boston, MA
United States

“It is interesting to see the latest attack from Speaker Gingrich and his disintegrating campaign. Unlike Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney never sat next to Nancy Pelosi in an ad funded by George Soros on behalf of Al Gore’s global warming initiative. As recently as 2008, the Soros agenda had no better friend than Newt Gingrich. Nice try, Mr. Speaker.” –Ryan Williams, Romney Campaign Spokesman

Sitting On A Loveseat Together In 2008, Speakers Gingrich And Pelosi Called On America To “Take Action To Address Climate Change.” PELOSI: “Hi! I’m Nancy Pelosi, life-long Democrat and Speaker of the House.” GINGRICH: “And I’m Newt Gingrich, life-long Republican, and I used to be Speaker. PELOSI: “We don’t always see eye to eye, do we Newt?” GINGRICH: “No, but we do agree: our country must take action to address climate change.” PELOSI: “We need cleaner forms of energy, and we need them fast.” GINGRICH: “If enough of us demand action from our leaders, we can spark the innovation we need. PELOSI: Go to Together, we can do this.” (The We Campaign,, 4/24/08)

Newt And Nancy’s TV Ad Was Launched By Al Gore’s Alliance For Climate Protection. “Former Vice President Al Gore launched a three year, multimillion-dollar advocacy campaign Monday calling for the U.S. to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. The Alliance for Climate Protection’s campaign, dubbed ‘We,’ will … educate the public about global warming and urge solutions from elected officials. … Some advertisements will feature bipartisan pairs, such as … Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with former GOP Speaker Newt Gingrich…” (“Gore Campaign Promotes Environmental Change,” The Associated Press, 4/1/08)

Who Gave The Alliance For Climate Protection $5 Million In 2008? George Soros, Of Course. George Soros’ Open Society Institute gave the Alliance for Climate Protection $5 million in 2008. (Open Society Institute, 2008 IRS Form 990, p. 123 [PDF]) [Emphasis added]

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