Natural gas sector set up by Obama to be sabotaged?

“They’re trying to make it more difficult for the industry to survive while the president is standing in front of the country saying we’re going to create jobs through hydraulic fracturing.”

The Washington Times reports,

President Obama spoke of the role natural gas must play in America’s energy future during his State of the Union address last week, but industry insiders fear it’s merely lip service designed to distract from what they consider the administration’s behind-the-scenes plan to sabotage the sector…

Read the entire WashTimes report.

One thought on “Natural gas sector set up by Obama to be sabotaged?”

  1. The President says whatever he believes his audience du jour wishes to hear. He talks about creating jobs and he refuses to permit the Keystone pipeline.
    If you can put 2 and 2 together, you can do something our President cannot.

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