Military worry: Energy efficient tents

DoD is spending $6 million to develop energy efficient tents.

Greenwire reports:

The Pentagon is targeting energy-hogging battlefield tents and housing units in its latest round of combat energy technology investments.

“It’s essential that we continue to develop innovative energy solutions to advance our military missions and use our precious resources wisely,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in a statement this morning. “The department is taking the lead on this because saving energy on the battlefield means saving lives and money.”

Although the military doesn’t have hard data on how energy is used on the battlefield, officials say anecdotal evidence suggests large amounts of fuel are poured into generators that heat and cool tents and other units. The structures — which often are little more than pieces of plywood nailed together — tend to be wildly inefficient.

The $18 million in investments announced today will go to six teams throughout the Defense Department, including some that have partnered with Energy Department units. The groups are focused on reducing fuel use for heating and cooling, making structures more energy-efficient, creating a proving ground for battlefield energy measures and hunting for technologies that will reduce energy needs in tropical climates.

Click for a summary of the entire $18 million spending spree.

3 thoughts on “Military worry: Energy efficient tents”

  1. Saw plenty of those plywood buildings just erected locally for our use in a combat zone. Agree with Pocket64 if they can make the tents lighter and just as easy to maintain and erect then go for it but in realty power saved here will just be used else where with no overall savings as a commander will decide that if he has the power available then he can do one more thing to accomplish the mission.

  2. All they need to do is to return to those exciting days of yesteryear when all we had was energy efficient canvass with Herman Nelson heaters and no AC. What a bunch of hooey. Looks like all DOD is doing is green propaganda and looking for ways to spend money.

    Canvass or nylon have very little insulating qualities and insulated, sealed tents are a bit bulky and heavy to transport efficiently.

  3. As long as the new solution is not heavier nor a higher maintenance item, I’m all for it.
    The old GP tents I worked with required very little care and could be maintained by almost anyone in almost any climate. But then I only lived in one near the Korean DMZ during the winter. The only plywood was underfoot.

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