House GOP to tie energy development to infrastructure spending

We’ll also now being taking lessons on energy development from the third world?

In a media release today, House Speaker John Boehner said,

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is leading a seven-member congressional delegation to the top three export markets in Latin America, with stops planned for Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. The delegation will hold economic discussions with leaders of some of America’s most vital trading partners – nations that collectively import billions of dollars annually in products made by American workers. The visit, which comes at a time when the U.S. economy continues to struggle, will focus on jobs, energy, and economic security issues. Boehner issued the following statement on the delegation visit:

“The mission of this visit is to help strengthen ties between the United States and our regional trading partners to support further economic activity that will help create new American jobs. I look forward to discussing issues of mutual interest, whether it is jobs and the economy, energy, or trade, with leaders from these three nations.

“Of note, the delegation will focus on assessing the implementation of the new Colombia free trade agreement, which is critical to job creation in the United States; conducting face-to-face discussions about trade and other economic security issues critical to job creation with senior government officials representing America’s top Latin American trading partners; and examining security measures being taken by Latin American countries to modernize their societies and create a better environment for jobs and economic growth.

In the coming weeks and months, the House will take action on the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act, which will link expanded American energy production to high-priority infrastructure projects like roads and bridges in order to create more jobs. The delegation also will focus closely on energy issues – studying the economic impact of pro-energy domestic policies being implemented by nations such as Brazil, and visiting with American energy producers forced to create jobs overseas by excessive Washington laws that keep most U.S. energy resources on federal lands under lock and key. We look forward to a productive visit.” [Emphasis added]

In addition to taking infrastructure spending hostage, we think House Republicans should take renewable energy subsidies hostage until the Obama administration ends its war against fossil fuels.

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