House GOP presses EPA on Utility MACT cost

“EPA’s Utility MACT rule is expected to be the most expensive rule the agency has ever imposed on our nation’s power sector.”

Below is the House Energy and Commerce Committee media release.


Energy and Commerce Members Press EPA to Release Total Cost of Utility MACT Rule

January 24, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Encouraging the Obama Administration to follow its own directives regarding transparency in regulations, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee today wrote to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson to request that EPA release an estimate of the total cost of EPA’s recently finalized Utility MACT rule.

EPA’s Utility MACT rule is expected to be the most expensive rule the agency has ever imposed on our nation’s power sector. EPA’s estimates, however, do not provide the total “sticker price” of the rule, but only a share of those costs assigned to three select years: $9.4 billion in 2015, $8.6 billion in 2020, and $7.4 billion in 2030. EPA documentation states that annualized estimates assume utilities would take 30 to 40 years to pay off compliance costs.

“President Obama’s Executive Order 13563 requires that EPA make available to the public the assessment of the costs anticipated from the regulatory action, such as the direct cost to businesses and others in complying with the regulation, as well as the underlying analysis. The RIA produced by EPA does not provide a total cost of the regulation, but only a share of those costs assigned to three select years from costs that are amortized over 30 to 40 years,” wrote the members.

For a full copy of the letter, click here.

3 thoughts on “House GOP presses EPA on Utility MACT cost”

  1. The technology to deal with mercury particulate has been around for not years, but decades. All Republicans have to do is call their crony coal companies and have them look into what they paid for any plant built in the past 20 years.

  2. Obama is making good on his promise to bankrupt the coal companies. That was an election promise.

  3. The costs of these regs will KILL the coal-power utilities, the IDEA,–the Purpose. Now the retired & Poor can add HEAT… to their on-going bill-paying roulette of:–food…or medicine? I understand that a letter is pro-forma,–it MUST be sent, to THEN do the next thing, Congressionally. But Jeksohn will: –ignore, –not feed, or even KICK… that “toothless-mutt” of a letter from Congress, because her Boss wants to warmly-cosset the money & votes of the Eco-Nazis,–confident that Congress is incapable or un-willing to Impeach him, or even de-fund the Schutz-Staffel of Globalist-business Suppression,imo, –the EPA. The Worst of these lame-committeemen, are the Demon-crats, who always CLAIM to be for the “little-guy”. I think they ARE for the “little-guy”. All those faceless little-guys in the Economy-killing Bureaus! While we’re sending small-business (and jobs) to the regulatory “death-camps”, let’s not forget those poor, over-worked, “Death-camp-GUARDS”…of, imo,the EPA!

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